blog post 3

Blog Post #3---20% Mentor Introduction/Communication You and your mentor should reach a common understanding about what should be accomplished, what you want and expect from the mentor relationship. Invite your mentor to attend the 20% Celebration/Gallery Walk on May 14. Answer all the questions thoroughly, and share these with your mentor. Project Title: Public speaking 1. What question/problem does my project solve? Write an inquiry question to drive your project. I hope to solve my public speaking issue through these projects. What are some ways I could practice or get better at public speaking? Why do we need it? Inquiry question examples: (a question that is “not Google-able”) A.How can we spread happiness around the school/community? B.How do you create a video game? C.I want to be a ____________ after I graduate. After interviewing and observing, what aspects of the job do I find interesting? How/why am I still interested in this career? 2. Why I am so passionate about my project? Explain. I am passionate about this project because it is something I want to improve and I know this skill could help me be more successful in the future (job and socially). 3. How will my project impact others/community? Who will benefit from my project? I will be able to communicate my ideas better so people will understand my ideas. I think my friends and my future job will also be improved with these new skills. 4. How will I share my new gained knowledge with others/community? I will give better speeches by using language and intonation to allow people what my thoughts and feelings. 5. What will I create/produce with my new found knowledge? This new knowledge will help me get a good job and I may be able to use this ability to help others succeed as well. Please complete each of these sections below along with your mentor. 1. What do we want to accomplish together? To help me be a better speaker using the correct words, sentences, and intonation to express his thoughts and opinions. A lot of work goes into understanding your content and practicing your timing especially your introduction and a strong conclusion. You also need to practice eye contact and being aware of the little things you do that may be distractions (tapping your pen, swaying, gestures, and saying “um”). 2. What will we do to accomplish this goal? Mentor:We will need to understand what goes into a speech and how best to speak to it. In speeches, a lot of it is confidence in your content and what you know and how to make others understand your point of view. Student: Practice public speaking, learn techniques to calm me down when speaking, and ways to get better at speaking (physically and mentally). 1. How will you communicate with one another? (ie: email, face-to-face, text/phone call) Text message and face to face conversations and practicing. 2. How often will you communicate (set-up times, dates to connect)? (ie: once a week, every Sunday evening etc.) We will talk about this 3 times a week. 3. How will we let each other know if we must miss our appointment? Face to face conversations, phone, or text messages. 4. I will do my best to complete the terms of this agreement. Yes. Provide proof of mentorship (ie: screenshot of email, photo with mentor, handwritten responses to above questions, social media, screenshot of text messages etc.) Evidence here:


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